All our annual and financial reports are available for download on our website

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2023 Financial Reports

In 2023, administrative expenses represented 2.9% of the total expenses, while program services, including donated goods, cash grants, and cash purchases, accounted for 90%. Donated Goods accounted for 73% of revenue, while Cash, Pledges, and other Income totaled 27%.

Programs & Services Expenses Break Down

Pledges & Cash Donations Versus Donated Goods

Program Versus Administrative Expenses

Audited Financials

Annual Report

Audited Financials

Audited Financials

2022 Financial Reports

In 2022, administrative expenses represented 2.6% of the total expenses and remained in line with 2021, while program services, including donated goods, cash grants, and cash purchases, accounted for 88.2% of total expenses. Fundraising expenses increased to 9.2% compared to 4.9% in the prior year, reflecting donor acquisition's more competitive nature in an inflationary economy and the post-COVID era. Donated Goods accounted for 74% of revenue, while Cash, Pledges, and other Income totaled 26%. Health Care and Basic needs—including food and home assistance—remain our priority. However, we don't underestimate the long-term importance of Education and Community Development within the context of poverty and hunger relief strategies.

Programs & Services Expenses Break Down

Pledges & Cash Donations Versus Donated Goods

Program Versus Administrative Expenses

Audited Financials in

Annual Report

Audited Financials in

Audited Financials

Audited Financials in

Form 990

2021 Financial Reports

In 2021, administrative expenses represented 1.5% of the total expenses, while program services, including donated goods, cash grants, and cash purchases, accounted for 94%. Donated Goods accounted for 82% of revenue, while Cash, Pledges, and other Income totaled 18%.

Programs & Services Expenses Break Down

Pledges & Cash Donations Versus Donated Goods

Program Versus Administrative Expenses

Audited Financials in

Annual Report

Audited Financials in

Audited Financials

Audited Financials in

Form 990

More Annual and Financial Reports Available for Download

You can download more than 10 years of audited financial reports and form 990.

Facts from our Annual Reports about Our Hunger and Poverty relief Programs


  • Focus: Water programs, Multi-Country Partnerships, Disaster Reliefs.
  • New Initiatives: “Generating Opportunities For Enterprising Youths” Teaming up with Entreculturas, we'll empower 2,900+ at-risk youth in Guatemala.,El Salvador., & Honduras. with education & income prospects.
  • Volunteer Program: 65 volunteers weekly packed 17,600+ Family Food Kits, providing over 70,500 meals.
  • Total Aid Distributed: $360 million worth of aid in 2,528 tractor-trailers.


  • Focus: Partnerships, disaster relief, and community development.
  • New Initiatives: Acceso partnership for farmer training and market access, expansion of feeding programs in Haiti, Colombia, and El Salvador.
  • Disaster Relief: Support for Ukraine, Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic, and Southwest Florida.
  • Volunteer Program: Increased participation with 872 volunteers contributing 2,772 hours.
  • Total Aid Distributed: $386 million worth of aid in 2,691 tractor-trailers.


  • Focus: Sustainable livelihood solutions, education, and health care.
  • New Programs: Bees for New Growth in Haiti, Seeds to Smiles bean production program in Nicaragua.
  • Community Development: Building sustainable communities with resources and infrastructure.
  • Total Aid Distributed: $790.4 million worth of aid in 3,402 tractor-trailers.


  • Focus: COVID-19 response, disaster relief, and housing.
  • Highlights: Built 1,872 homes and distributed food and medical supplies related to COVID-19 and hurricanes Eta & Iota.
  • Total Aid Distributed: $750.6 million worth of aid in 3,157 tractor-trailers.


  • Focus: Feeding programs, housing, and health care.
  • Highlights: Provided over 20 million meals per month, built 3,113 homes, and shipped 660 tractor-trailers of medicine and medical supplies.
  • Total Aid Distributed: $750.6 million worth of aid in 3,157 tractor-trailers.


  • Focus: Feeding programs, housing, education, and health care.
  • Highlights: Provided over 25 million meals per month, built 4,253 homes, built, repaired, or expanded 58 schools, and shipped 611 tractor-trailers of medicine and medical supplies.
  • Total Aid Distributed: $833.8 million worth of aid in 4,541 tractor-trailers.


  • Focus: Feeding programs, housing, education, health care, and disaster relief.
  • Highlights: Provided 1.2 million meals per day, built 7,582 housing units, and distributed aid to Dominica, Puerto Rico, St Lucia, Antigua, and St. Thomas after hurricanes.
  • Total Aid Distributed: $843.5 million worth of aid in 4,232 tractor-trailers.


  • Focus: Feeding programs, housing, education, health care, and disaster relief.
  • Highlights: Distributed 617 million meals to malnourished children and families, built 9,430 housing units, and provided relief aid to Haiti after Hurricane Matthew.
  • Total Aid Distributed: $876 million worth of aid in 4,095 tractor-trailers.


  • Focus: Feeding programs, housing, education, and health care.
  • Highlights: Distributed over 56 million pounds of food, built 9,431 housing units, and supported 5,212 children through the Angels of Hope program.
  • Total Aid Distributed: $1.06 billion worth of aid in 3,660 tractor-trailers.


  • Focus: Feeding programs, housing, education, and health care.
  • Highlights: Distributed over 52 million pounds of food to malnourished children and families, built 7,367 housing units, and supported 3,270 children through the Angels of Hope program.
  • Total Aid Distributed: $814 million worth of aid in 3,914 tractor-trailers.


  • Focus: Feeding programs, housing, education, and health care.
  • Highlights Distributed over 50 million pounds of food to malnourished children and families, built 6,808 housing units, supported education by building/rebuilding 33 schools and shipping school supplies.
  • Total Aid Distributed: $944 million worth of aid in 3,518 tractor-trailers.


  • Focus: Feeding programs, housing, education, and health care.
  • Highlights: Distributed over 67 million pounds of food to malnourished children and families, built 6,805 housing units, and supported education by building/rebuilding 37 schools.
  • Total Aid Distributed: $811 million worth of aid in 3,414 trailers.